AP Projection
- Patient in upright position;
- Knees extended and the toes straight ahead.
Central ray
horizontal and perpendicular to the center of IP, 2 cm below the apices of the
- Visualization of all the knees, from femoral distal to proximal tibia and fibula;
- No rotation of the knees: Femoral condyles equidistants;
- Fibular head and tibia slightly superimposed;
- Appropriate exposure values (visualization of the all bony trabeculation and soft tissue).
Lateral Projection
- Patient in upright position;
- Turn to side of the study to the potter;
- The other limb it is in forward, flexed and resting in a chair;
- Rotation of the limb in study to the external, slightly, wich should be extended.
Central ray
to the level of the apice of the patella, at the middle of the knee.
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