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Monday, 29 October 2012

Sesamoids Study

Tangential Projection

  1. Patient in prone position;
  2. Rest the first toe in the IP of dorsiflexion.

Central ray perpendicular and tangential to the first metatarsophalangeal joint.

Evaluation Criteria:

  • Sesamoids free of any portion of the first metatarsal;
  • Good visualization of the metatarsal heads;
  • Appropriate exposure values (visualization of the all bony trabeculation and soft tissue).

Foot Study

AP Projection

  1. Patient in supine position;
  2. Flex the knee with the sole of the foot firmly on the IP;
  3. Toes on extension.

Central ray angled 10º toward to the base of the third metatarsal.

Evaluation Criteria:

  • No rotation of the foot;
  • Equal amount of space between the second and fourth metatarsals;
  • Overlap of the second through fifth metatarsal bases;
  • Base of the first and second metatarsal, medial and intermediate cuneiform free of superimposing;
  • Appropriate exposure values (visualization of the all bony trabeculation and soft tissue).

AP Oblique Projection

  1. Patient in supine position;
  2. Medial aspect of the foot on the IP at an angle of 30-45º with the same.

Central Ray perpendicular to the base of the third metatarsal.

Evaluation Criteria:

  • Visualization of the sinus tarsi and tuberosity of the fifth metatarsals;
  • Base of the first and second metatarsal, medial and intermediate cuneiform superimposed;
  • Appropriate exposure values (visualization of the all bony trabeculation and soft tissue).

Thursday, 25 October 2012

Study of the first toe

AP projection

  1. The patient is seated or placed supine on the table;
  2. Flex the knee;
  3. sole of the foot in IP;
  4. The contralateral limb in extension.

Central ray perpendicular through the first interphalangeal or metatarsophalangeal joint.
Evaluation Criteria:

  • No rotation of the toe;
  • Visualization of metatarsophalangeal joint;
  • Appropriate exposure values (visualization of the all bony trabeculation and soft tissue).

Lateral Projection

  1.  The patient is seated or placed supine on the table;
  2. Flex of the knee;
  3. Support of the internal face of the first toe;

Central ray perpendicular through the first interphalangeal or metatarsophalangeal joint.

Evaluation Criteria:

  • Phalange in profile;
  • Without superimposition of adjacent toes;
  • Open interphalangeal and metatarsophalangeal joints;
  • Appropriate exposure values (visualization of the all bony trabeculation and soft tissue).

Monday, 22 October 2012

Toes (second to fifth) Study

AP Projection

  1. The patient is seated or placed supine on the table;
  2. Flex the knee;
  3. sole of the foot in IP;
  4. The contralateral limb in extension.

Central ray perpendicular through the third metatarsophalangeal joint.

Evaluation criteria:

  • No rotation of phalanges;
  • Toes separated from each other;
  • Distal ends of the metatarsals;
  • Appropriate exposure values (visualization of the all bony trabeculation and soft tissue).


AP Oblique Projection

  1. The patient is seated or placed supine on the table;
  2. Flex the knee and rest the sole of the foot on the IP;
  3. Medial rotation of the leg and the foot 45º.

Central ray perpendicular through the third metatarsophalangeal joint.

Evaluation Criteria:
  • Visualization of all phalanges;
  • Oblique toes and separate from each other;
  • Open interphalangeal and second through fifth metatarsophalangeal joint  space;
  • The first metatarsophalangeal joint isn’t always open;
  • Appropriate exposure values (visualization of the all bony trabeculation and soft tissue).


Friday, 19 October 2012


PA Projection

  1. Patient in upright position;
  2. Flexed of the arms with the back of the hands resting on the hips;
  3. Extended the chin upward;
  4. Adjust the shoulders in the same plane.

Central ray perpendicular at the lever T7.
Respiration: Full inspiration.

Evaluation Criteria:

  • Visualization of the entire lungs, from the apices to the costophrenic angles;
  • No rotation;
  • Scapula projected outside the lung fields;
  • Spine in the center of the image;
  • Visualization of the first three dorsal vertebrae, and the others will be erasing progressively.

Lateral Projection

  1. Patient in upright position;
  2. Turn the patient to the lateral position;
  3. Extended the upper limbs with the forearms above the head.

Central ray perpendicular on the midcoronal plane ate the level of T7.
Respiration: Full inspiration.

Evaluation Criteria:

  • Superimposed of the ribs posterior in the spine;
  • Sternum in profile without rotation;
  • Visualization of the all lungs, from apices to costophrenic angles.