PA Projection
- Patient in upright position;
- Flexed of the arms with the back of the hands
resting on the hips;
- Extended the chin upward;
- Adjust the shoulders in the same plane.
Central ray
perpendicular at the lever T7.
Full inspiration.
- Visualization of the entire lungs, from the
apices to the costophrenic angles;
- No rotation;
- Scapula projected outside the lung fields;
- Spine in the center of the image;
- Visualization of the first three dorsal
vertebrae, and the others will be erasing progressively.
Lateral Projection
- Patient in upright position;
- Turn the patient to the lateral position;
- Extended the upper limbs with the forearms
above the head.
Central ray
perpendicular on the midcoronal plane ate the level of T7.
Full inspiration.
- Superimposed of the ribs posterior in the
- Sternum in profile without rotation;
- Visualization of the all lungs, from apices to
costophrenic angles.