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Tuesday, 16 October 2012


PA/AP Projection

  1. Patient in upright position;
  2. Hands in resting at level of the hips (PA Projection) or extended arms to the vertical with the hands abose the head (AP Projection).

Central  ray perpendicular at the middle of the ribs in study.
Respiration: Suspended (totally ribs) or at the end of expiration (inferior ribs) or at the end of the inspiration (upper ribs).

 PA Projection

AP Projection

Evaluation Criteria:

  • Visualization of the entire ribs;
  • In a unilateral study, not visualization from the opposite side;
  • Appropriate exposure values (visualization of the all bony trabeculation and soft tissue).

 PA Projection

AP Projection

AP/PA Oblique Projection

  1. Patient in upright position;
  2. Rotate the patient 45º placing the affected side closes to the IP ( AP Projection) or placing the affected side away from the IP (PA Projection);
  3. Abduct the arm and elevate (AP Projection) or abduct the arm with he hand on the hip (PA Projection).

Central ray perpendicular to the center of the IP.
Respiration: Suspended (totally ribs) or at the end of expiration (inferior ribs) or at the end of the inspiration (upper ribs).

PA Projection

AP Projection

Evaluation Criteria:

  • Ribs are projected free of superimposition;
  • Appropriate exposure values (visualization of the all bony trabeculation and soft tissue).

 PA Projection

 AP Projection


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